Contributions to the study of the metallic domes / Contribuições ao estudo das cúpulas metálicas




In a general way, this work deals with structural systems usually adopted in the project of metallic domes. Emphasis was given to a derived arrangement derived of the Schwedler system, recently used in projects developed the state of São Paulo. The work can be divided in two parts, the first one is about the connections that compose the structural system studied, and second one treats the influence of those connections in the structure behavior and the influence in the brace configuration. The connections were studied under two different aspects, that were: a) revision and improvement of the design criteria adopted in some connections, and b) proposition of models for the momentrotation description for double plate connections of web. The influence of the brace type and of the rigidity of the connections were investigated by means of the effect in the vertical displacements and in the distribution of internal efforts of the structure. So, two commercial softwares were used, and the results were compared.


contraventamento braced domes large span domes steel structures ligações semi-rígidas semirigid connections estruturas de aço numerical simulation simulação numérica grandes coberturas

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