Contribuições para um método de identificação de perdas por improvisação em canteiros de obras


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In production management, it is necessary to adopt measures that contribute for the solution of existing problems, in order to give continuity in the execution of activities. However, failures in identifying the necessary requirements for carrying out activities may result in the non-completion of plans. Even if the workflow is not interrupted, carrying out activities without adequate conditions may have a negative impact in efficiency, quality, and work conditions. This situation is pointed out in the literature as a new category of waste, named making-do, which is strongly related to the occurrence of improvisations by the workforce. The study of improvisation as a waste can contribute to understand the failures that occur in planning process. Although this category of waste has been discussed at a theoretical level, the application of this concept in production control has not been reported in the literature. The main objective of this research work is to propose a method of identifying improvisation as a waste, which produces information for guiding production management teams, particularly at look-ahead planning level, when constraints should be identified and removed. Two case studies have been carried out in companies that had a production planning and control process strongly based in the Last Planner® system. In each case study, making-do events were identified, as well their main causes and impacts in production management. The development of the research was divided in the following stages: (a) understanding of existing barriers to the look-ahead planning; (b) direct observation of improvisations in construction sites; (c) cross analysis of improvisations and production planning and control data; (d) proposal for a method to identify the improvisation on a construction site. The results indicated that most of the improvisations is related to access or mobility of the workforce during the execution of the activities, and inadequate installation of protections against accidents. Besides, safety and materials waste stands out as the most important impacts of these improvisations. Although the results are not representative of the construction sector, it is expected that this study will contribute for the identification of improvement opportunities for production planning and control, safety management, and quality management systems, based on understanding of improvisations that may happen in construction sites.


planejamento e controle da produção improvisation canteiro de obras waste planning materiais de construção : perdas production control last planner

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