Contribuições de um programa educativo de uma organização não governamental (ONG) para a prática da educação ambiental na conservação da biodiversidade / Contributions of an educational program conducted by a non-governmental conservation organization in the field of environmental education




This study had the objective of identifying the contributions of an educational program conducted by a non-governmental conservation organization, IPÊ - Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (Institute for Ecological Research) in the field of environmental education, geared to the conservation of biodiversity through the integration of scientific research and the formal educational system. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation processes were adopted, in which the data were collected using a number of instruments. The study was based on the principles of participatory approach and research-action, and took place in the surroundings of the Rio Pardo region, involving 72 students of the formal education system, 5 teachers and 6 researchers of the environmental field. Results indicate a predisposition among environmental researchers and teachers to become involved in environmental education actions that aim at studentssocial and environmental enhancements. The exchange of information and of knowledge was the main factor to motivate participation and integration actions between teachers and researchers in the inclusion of environmental themes and local conservation in classrooms. Results also indicate that IPÊs education strategy increased learning, creativity and socialization among students, besides stimulating their interest in local environmental aspects. The study shows the need to promote more opportunities to guide and prepare teachers to conduct extra-classroom activities with environmental focus.


estudantes rio pardo biodiversidade non-governmental organization (ngo) professores environmental education pesquisadores ambientalistas students biodiversity organização não governamental (ong) educação ambiental environmental researchers rio pardo teachers

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