Contribuições das TIC no ensino e aprendizagem de ciências: tendências e desafios / Contributions of ICT to teaching and learning of science: trends and challenges




This work presents a reflection about the NTIC and the teaching of sciences. Specifically it discusses the teachers education and the computer using at the continued teachers education proposal or by using technology sources (computers) in the learning and teaching processes. For that, it was made a research known as knowledge state by analyzing the abstracts presented at the ENPECs National Meeting of Research in Education in Sciences between 1997 and 2005 that had a discussion about the use of a computer as educational source. After the resumes selections, they were classified by: publication year, researching place, scholarship level and theme focus of the study. The texts were read to organize the results and to work a chart to treat the data and to analyze the information. In a second part of the study, the thematic focus Teachers Education was chosen between the nine previous categories, in which the chosen articles were deeply analyzed and their content discussed. In a general manner, the work is presented as follows: briefly description of the teaching of science panorama in Brazil associated to the Educational Guideline and Basis Law; information about the society and technology evolution, as well as a brief exposition of the informatics educational historic in the country. The intention was to offer another view about the relation between technology and educational policies. In the first part of the investigation, the analysis of the results demonstrate a significantly growth in the publications during the selected period, going from 4 works in 1997 to 61 in 2005; in the regions classification, the southwest region shows up as the biggest publisher in numbers of publications; the research shows that most works are directed to the basic educational public public formed by grammar and primary schools and high school; and by the presented themes, most of the works discuss the teaching and learning process by using the computer as a mediator and facilitator source on this process. Later, the second part of the study was a reflection about the selected paperwork in the thematic focus teachings formation, trying to associate it to the teaching of sciences and the use of computer as a source to the educational process. It is interesting to observe that Internet permeate all studies, be at Virtual Environment Learning use to form teachers in order to promote a reflection in the action, to favor the dialog or the experience interchange; be by using the software of independent navigation or to send information by webmail, research, webpage construction, in short, the Internet is present in all articles as a support for the using of informational sources.


computer educacion ciências (educação e ensino) computador no ensino educational technology and teachers training science-education and teaching tecnologia educacional e formação de professores

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