Contribuição ao estudo do lupus eritematoso sistemico na infancia : manifestações clinicas e laboratoriais de 59 pacientes




The aim of this study was to analyse clinical manifestations, laboratory data and mortality causes among 59 patients(48F/11M) with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus whose symptoms iniciated by the age of 16. To this purpose we made a retrospective study of the medical records af out patients seen in the Pediatric and Rheumatology Clinics of the Clinics Hospital at the State University of Campinas(HC) between 1979 and 1995. Patients presenting discoid, drug induced or neonatallupus were discharged. Patients were analysed individuallyand in three groups depending on the age of the fIrst signs of the disease appeared. All patients had four or more ACR criteria for SLE. Laboratory tests were performed by the Clinical Pathology Laboratory and the ClinicalImmunology Allergyand Rheumatology Laboratory, at Clinic Hospital. More frequent clinical manifestations were articular (91.5%), renal (71.1%), malar erythema (61%), alopecia (61%), fever (59.3%) and photosensitivity (52.5%). Laboratory results have shown: FAN (94.9%), LE cells (71.1%), decrease of serum complement leveI (65.3%), anti-DNA (63.4%), hematuria (62.7%) and proteinuria (61%). The mortality rate was 23.7%(9F/%M). Death causes were infeccious in eight patients (57.1%), CNS disease in five (35.7%) and renal insufficiencyin one (7.2%). Clinical manifestations iniciating untill age 14 and the presence of nephropathy were bad prognosis factors for SLE


crianças lupus eritematoso sistemico

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