Contribuição ao estudo de aerogeradores de velocidade e passo variáveis com gerador duplamente alimentado e sistema de controle difuso / Contribution to the study of fuzzy control applied to variable-speed variable-pitch wind generators with double-fed induction generator




The efficient capture of aeolic-energy occurs by means of three blades turbines with adjustable pitch-angle and angular-speed. The pitch-angle adjustment is utilized to limit the aeolic-energy capture when occur very strong winds and, the angular speed adjustment is utilized to maximize the capture of kinetic energy of weak winds. In this mode of operation the generator must convert the input mechanical energy, which is characterized by variable angular speed and variable torque, in the output electrical energy that must obey the standards of the electrical network with constant RMS-voltage and frequency, where the aeolic-generator is connected. In this work the electromechanical energy conversion is done by one double-fed induction generator excited by means of an electronic converter applied to the rotor winding. The air masses complex dynamics, the wind regime stochastic nature, and the turbine and generator non-linear behavior motivated the use of the fuzzy controllers, elaborated in agreement with the following methodology: the rule base was established from the systems physical principles and from the desired closed loop dynamics; the input membership functions was distributed so that ensure a bigger sensibility in the regions near the reference value; the output membership functions distribution provide a control action significant increase as the systems output move away from the reference value; and, the fine tuning was made via scaling universes of discourse. The computer simulations results of the, rotational speed and reactive power, reference values step, demonstrated stable dynamics, without overshoot or steady state error. It is emphasize that, in relation to state-of-art, the fuzzy speed controller provide similar dynamic, but with a control action without transients and peaks 65% smaller and the fuzzy reactive power controller impose a 64% faster response. Some computer simulations of the wind real regime show the pitch-angle and turbine angular speed reactions so that to supply the wind generator with a soft and stable operation, from the weak winds up to the most strong and turbulent winds.


turbine capture control alternative source controle de captação de turbinas controle vetorial de velocidade e de reativos de geradores de indução duplamente alimentados fonte alternativa aeolic-energy controle difuso fuzzy control vectorial control of speed and reactive power of double-fed induction generators energia eólica

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