Contribuição ao estudo da extração e concentração do leite de soja




Extraction and concentration of soy milk was studied by means of the following sequence of operations: soaking, enzymatic inactivation, grinding, separation of insoluble solids, and concentration in a centrifugal evaporator. The soaking process was performed at 25°C and 60°C in fresh water, in 0,5% sodium bicarbonate solution. and in 0,5% sodium hexametaphosphate solution. The latter solution increases the speed of absorption of water and the hydration capacity of soybeans. Enzymatic inactivation was carried out by immersion of soybeans in boilling water at 97.5°C for 3 minutes. This heat treatment inactivated the lipoxidases associated with soybeans flavor. Heat inactivation affected the rheological behavior of soy milk during concentration. The main change occurring in soy milk was a large increase in its apparent viscosity at concentrations above 10% solids. Heat treatment of soybeans for 0,1,3,5,7, and 10 minutes at 97.5°C, increased the apparent viscosity of soy milk with 4-6% of solids from 4 centipoises to 30, 170, 400, 500 and 600 centipoises respectively for a soy milk concentrated to 27% solids. This change is very important during dry soy milk production by spray drying.


leite de soja

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