Contornos ambientais da propriedade privada




The current work aimsto board the property,its characteristics and conditions. Therefore it is necessary make an analysis about property, its historical evolution, characteristics, concepts and conditions. It is exactly in this condition that current work will be focused, due to straight change from an absolute straight, irrefutable, to a straight that will have restrictions under social interest vision that will narrow, extraordinarily, the intervention in the constitutional straight of property. For the understanding of the restrictions is inexorable that verifies the environment concept, presenting the higher principles of environmental straight. The ways of restricting the property straight with social purpose, come from diverse forms, because of it the restrictions of environmental, administrative, are verified, with example, the to neighborhood straight, the deriving from zoning, the deriving from mining. The restrictions are analyzed studying many norms, as an example Estatuto da Cidade (Statute of City), Estatuto da Terra (Statute of Earth), Lei de Zoneamento (Law of Zoning), Cógido de Mineração (Code of Mineration). There is also a verification of areas that are under juridical protection and due to it are of high importance for understanding a subject with so big importance. It should, still, for a better understanding of the subject, present some judgeships that tum on the substance, and demonstrate that the substance has odd importance in the current legal system. At the end, the work will trace a general conclusion of several subjects boarded, presenting the conclusion of them, which is the maximum importance for understand the suppression of individual straight in aid of social interest


direito direito de propriedade propriedade

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