Contexto de trabalho e vivências de prazer-sofrimento : estudo com trabalhadores de uma fundação pública


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study investigates the experiences of pleasure and suffering in the work of professionals of a public foundation and the Psychodynamics involved in this environment. Specifically, we seek to characterize the work context dimensions of work organization, conditions and socioprofessional relationships; to describe the experiences of pleasure and suffering and to investigate the mechanisms used by workers to mediate suffering. It has as theoretical and methodological framework The Psychodynamics of Work, with contributions of psychoanalysis and sociology. Semi-structured collective interviews were conducted with two different groups, which were analyzed by ANS. The results, based on the speech of workers collected during the interviews, point to a serious situation in the work context, denoting aspects that are relevant to the principles of Taylorism associated with experiences of suffering. The organization of work, especially the rigidity of procedures, excessive bureaucracy and job content, cause more suffering for workers surveyed than the social and professional relations, which, in turn, precede in importance the working conditions themselves. Relations proved to be very strained before hierarchy. Working conditions proved to be poor with respect to the design of jobs. With respect to experiences of pleasure at work, there have been few indicators of this factor, namely the remuneration of public employment and stability. The precariousness of labor seems to contribute to the destruction of relationships in public organizations and this may bring undesirable consequences to the quality of services provided to society.


ambiente de trabalho bem-estar social cultura organizacional psicologia psicologia psychodynamic work pleasure suffering public organization

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