Contadores de histÃrias: tradiÃÃo e atualidade




This study turns its view towards the universe of the storytellers. It observes how are they telling stories in contemporaneity. It also verifies if they still hold their traditional role as guardians of collective memory and community counselors. Through that perspective, I have dived in the universe of eighteen storytellers. The method used to analyze these narrative universes was that of the Mythcritics, proposed by Gilbert Durand. Thus according to the chosen epistemologic perspective and in reverence to the storytellers, who do not see their telling fragmented in cathegories, I respected the narrative universe of each and every one of them with its multiple relations. In that sense, each one of these universes draws near to the dissertative whole. Inspired by âTales from a Thousand and One Nightsâ and Sherazade and following the desire of upholding the enchantment that surrounds the storytellers, I choosed to request one of its characters â the calipha Harun al-Rachid â to be my company in the paths we walked in this study. In this motion it was possible to realize that oral narratives substantiated in the storytellers present a movement of transformation, that supports the ideas of Claude LÃvi-Strauss that the myths suffer transformations, they modernize and remain. Along with the traditional form, they dress several modern clothings, but maintain the essence of communicating, stablishing relations, pointing paths out, teaching about life and death. Storytellers occupy new spaces and continue to fascinate, making one cry, laugh, dream, awakening humankind from humane (MORIN, 2001)


contemporaneidade oral narratives contadores de histÃrias contemporaneity narrativas orais storytellers antropologia

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