Consumo alimentar de crianÃas menores de dois anos de municÃpios de baixo Ãndice de desenvolvimento humano do nordeste




This dissertation has as objective to evaluate the feeding consumption in children up to 2 years old belonging to cities with low human development index in the Northeast. It is divided into a literature revision chapter and original article. The revision chapter broaches historical aspects and repercussions on the inadequate consumption in children. Data were obtained using the Bireme and Lilacs data base, beyond books and official reports concerning the subject. Feeding consumption in children up to 2 years old in the cities with low human development index in the Northeast was the scope in the official article, with transversal type design, including 238 children from Gameleira and 207 from SÃo JoÃo do Tigre. Consumption was registered according to the 24hrecordatorio method. For macronutrients and micronutrients analyses the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) was used. Most children presented nutrients consumption values over the DRI reference values. However, the prevalence in inadequate were mostly accentuated. It is necessary monitoring the feeding consumption; it can be achieved through the implantation of feeding and nutritional security policies which guarantee quantity and quality of food in order to improve feeding and nutritional conditions, especially in population with low human development index.


nutrients child consumo de alimentos nutrientes crianÃa recomendaÃÃes nutricionais nutritional recommendations food consumption nutricao

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