Construtivismo integrativo: estudos sobre instinto, afeto e cognição / Integrative Constructivism: studies upon instinct, affect and cognition




Integrative Constructivism, as presented in this paper seeks to contribute to the creation of broader theoretical models of interindividual and social psychodynamic processes. Our mainstream basis is the theory developed by Jean Piaget (1896-1980), as arising from two of his main approaches: 1. The integrative and systemic comprehension of biological life and 2. The integrating and cooperating perspective present in his Epistemology (of Science). We sought to deepen academic knowledge of a few issues which Piaget brilliantly initiated but did not have time to continue to develop (as the Philosophy of Science took up most of his lifetime): morality, affectivity and instinctivity. We gave priority to notions and concepts found in Biologie et Conaissance (1967), La Formation du Symbole chez LEnfant (1945) and Le Judgement Moral chez LEnfant (1932), amongst other works that we have researched. Other studies provided us with basis for theoretical frameworks namely, issues concerning Ethology, Neuropsychology and Psychoanalysis. We focused on the indissoluble interaction between cognitive, affective-emotional and instinctive functions and systems, which constitute the integral schematisms and the multifactor psychogenesis. We analyzed processes which we call harmonizing and disharmonizing, as concerns psychical regulations. Harmonies and disharmonies account for a diversified range of interactions of substructures: from transindividual instinctive ones (functions of nutrition, reproduction, protection, bond, etc.) to sophisticated schemes of operatory intelligence and morality. Basing ourselves upon Piagets conceptions on cognitive schemes (sensorimotor, symbolic, formal schemes, etc.), affective and instinctive schematisms (concerning inhibition, feeding, mating, parenthood, protection, rage, jealousy, etc.), we have formulated either analogous or derived theorizations. Psychical adaptations and misadaptations develop through the genesis of harmonious or disharmonious schemes, with variations of intensity, mobility, duration, frequency and competence; through recording and retrieving assimilations; boosting and restraining systems; equiinstinctualizations, overinstinctualizations e underinstinctualizations. Some psychopathologies are understood as severe deforming assimilations of affective schemes. In this way, the psychotherapeutic processes should involve harmonization of disharmonious schemes, strengthening of harmonious schemes, in whole or affective-cognivitive processes. Piagetian conceptions about cognitive, moral and affective schemes also based our understanding of transmissive, receptive, collective, ethical and political schemes, involving influences which promote forms of individual and social harmonization or disharmonization. Our integrative perspective toward psychobiological theories has proved fruitful to the evolution of Psychology. As a result, a more global understanding of the human being strengthens further perspectives toward Science that is committed to collective Good.


construtivismo emotinal states etologia piaget jean 1896-1980 psychogenesis emoções psicogênese emotions estados emocionais constructivism jean piaget 1896- 1980 epistemologia genética ethology genetic epistemology

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