Construindo o direito de acesso aos arquivos da repressão: o caso do Departamento de Ordem Política e Social de Minas Gerais




This research is about the question of the access to information considering the recent context of Brazilian history marked by the transition from a military dictator-ship to a democratic system. The research was based on the case study about the access to documents of the Departamento de Ordem Política e Social do Estado de Minas Gerais (DOPS). Starting from the hypothesis that the process of access to information is a multidimensional phenomenon and having as main theoretical reference the concept of information regime and the relative approaches to the access right to information, the case was analyzed according to three categories: legal aspects, context of production and use of the documents, and political-social disputes. Out of the categories above, it argued the Brazilian legislation about the access to information and the constitution and operation of the information services and political police in Brazil, correlating such themes with the access process to DOPS s documents.


ciência da informação teses. arquivos e arquivamento (documentos) teses. arquivos teses.

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