Construções emtre narcisismo e perda na depressão




This work intends to present theoretical constructions in psychoanalysis in what respects depression as the expression of psychic suffering. In order for this to be achieved, it investigates the dynamics of the psychism in depression and its effects in transference. Starting from the experience of psychoanalytical clinic, aspects corresponding to the concepts of narcissism and loss are enhanced. These elements echo the situation of the depressed subject. In qualifying depression as a narcissistic neurosis, the present works proposes an approximation of the description of the depressive condition to the melancholic one as presented in Freudian works. Considering narcissism as the central mechanism in depression, the issue of the constitution of self is linked to the notion of connection to objects in the depressive state. Considering that the investment in the self as the only driving object indicates a narcissistic functioning, it raises questions about the restitution of the object in fantasy in the narcissistic neurosis. A problematic relation between fantasy, anguish and loss is then proposed, suggesting that fantasy has as a role the reorganization of the loss, which inscribes in it a temporality relation. Due to the narcissistic organization and its relation to the loss of love, it is supposed that, in depression, there is a denial in connecting to the other as a defense mechanism. The disregard for the other leads to the problematization of the issue of transference in depressed subjects, being narcissism, as an obstacle to transference, the core issue of this matter. Thus, the present work discusses the constitution of self in narcissistic neuroses and its implications in the psychoanalytical process, pointing out paths for an effective psychoanalytical work with depressed patients, which will have as axis the love of transference.


depression temporalidade fantasy loss transference depressão transferência temporality perda fantasia narcissism psicologia narcisismo

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