Construção social das relações de gênero: as vozes de adolescentes




This research started from the assumption that adolescence is a privileged period to promote healthy interpersonal relations, and the understanding that the building up of gender social relations is relevant to the benefit of health and citizenship. So, the aim of this research has been to understand the meanings attributed to being men and women from the perspective of a group of adolescents from a private elementary and high school in Campo Grande, MS in a study case format. We have relied upon the social constructionism in research, where it interfaces with Health Psychology and Social Psychology, and have made use of the theoretical-methodological approach on discursive practices and everyday meaning production. The research was carried out with 77 adolescents (38 female and 39 male students), aged between 10 and 15 years old that study at Colégio Avant Garde, a private institution in Campo Grande, MS. In order to do the research, we had the school authorization and the agreement of the adolescents and their parents. The participation in the research took place through three workshops on gender, with a double purpose: get information for our research and raise awareness on gender relations in our culture. The material analyzed includes: association with linguistic repertoires related to men and women; reports on everyday activities of both sexes; reports involving different treatments between boys and girls, and discussion on gender relations. From the results, we have highlighted the variations of meanings, with positive and negative adjectives for both sexes. As far as the situations in the private scope are concerned, the reports show men as the bread winner and women as being in charge of the ho use and children, with little participation from men. From the public scope point of view, work and education, the reports show that both men and women work out, but it is evident the double journey of women, and the meaning of a great value attributed to mens work. As far as differences in treatment go, the analysis has shown that, in the context analyzed, the reports refer to restrictive identity formations, including here both puerile situations and situations of discrimination and conflict. We have concluded that, despite the positive changes in the life style of men and women, boys and girls, from the point of view of these adolescents, there are still complaints and sufferings, making evident the weight of a traditional discursive practice of sexist character, so familiar in our social-cultural context. We hope we have contributed for a better understanding that gender relations are important, in order to think up programs of health and citizen promotion, not only for adolescents, but for everyone.


social constructionism construcionismo social gender relations psicologia produção de sentidos adolescência meaning production. social psychology psicologia social ; interação social ; adolescentes relações de gênero. relações de gênero psicologia social adolescence

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