Construção dos critérios de divisibilidade com alunos de 5 série do ensino fundamental por meio de situações de aprendizagem




An analysis was carried out for this research to get to know how 5th graders mobilize their knowledge about the subject: divisibility and natural numbers, in which the aim is to build a new concept, the Divisibility Criteria for the numbers two, three and five. It is expected that this knowledge serves them as a way to comprehend the division bearing in mind that the researches from Gregolin (2002), Castela (2005) and Fonseca (2005) show division as the mathematical operation that students present greater difficult. Thus, a Research Tool made of four activities was preferred, being two formal questions, as the questions commonly proposed in text books, and the two others were more recreational, proposed by means of games. The research was built, according to the methodological referential of the Didactic Engineering, proposed by Artigue (1996). Previously to our Research Tool, the experiencing of our Pilot was made, developed in three sessions, with 25 students graduating from 4th grade. The results collected in the Pilot Helped outline the Research Tool that was built based on the Theory of Register of Semiotic Representation, proposed by Duval (2003). By means of the analysis of the data collected, it was observed that while establishing the Divisibility Criteria by 2, 3 and 5, the students quickly observed the numeric pattern for the Divisibility Criteria by 2 and 5, concluding that, it was only possible to divide even numbers by 2 and by only possible to divide by 5 the numbers ending in zero or five. However, they couldnt, in an autonomous way, observe when the number can be divided by three. Besides the expectations that were predicted, with this experience there were some very interesting positive surprises, as the importance of the students interaction among themselves and with the teacher for the building of new knowledge, and also the students satisfaction while becoming leaders of their knowledge


aprendizagem divisibility matematica (elementar) -- estudo e ensino algebra matematica divisibilidade

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