Construção de significados e processos de identificação em jovens adultos com paralisia cerebral / Meaning construction and identification processes in life histories of young adults with cerebral palsy




This study aimed at identifying, defining and analyzing meanings that regulate the narratives of young adults with cerebral palsy.Five participants with cerebral palsy diagnostics attending a rehabilitation center took part of the study three men and two women. We tried to answer the following questions: Which meanings do emerge from narratives constructions during life stories interviews? How do the participants describe themselves and build their identities? Which difficulties are uttered and how they cope with them? The study is based on the dialogical frame of the historical-cultural perspective. The choice of a qualitative methodology is based on the argument that it turns possible a complex process of knowledge construction important to the exploration of the potentialities of human and social phenomena. Data were constructed in three individual sessions held with each of the participants through the development of open and semi-structured interviews. All sessions were tape recorded with the agreement of the participants, totalizing 35 hours of recording and 222 pages of transcription. In order to analyze data we used QDA Miner software that allowed the organization of the transcribed texts forming documents for each of the participants. Results were organized in three main categories: genres (drama, comedy, romance and epic), as the life stories narratives and responses in other interviews structured the relation of self explanations and the cultural contexts; vital periods (birth, childhood, teenage years, beginning of adulthood, moving places and changes of attitudes), in order to relate events to specific moments of development; themes (auto perception, social perception, diagnostics, treatment, relationships and coping) defined by a thematic dialogical analyses of the whole corpus of data. Data were then confronted with the theory allowing the construction of a complex comprehension on the meanings constructed by the participants during the study. The analysis indicated that meanings that regulated young adults with cerebral palsy narratives were mediated by the repercussions of deficiency in their life stories.


paralisia cerebral - aspectos psicológicos cerebral palsy life stories psicologia meaning construction

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