Construção de matrizes de proporção de facies para a modelagem geologica 3D de reservatorios deltaicos da Bacia do Reconcavo (BA)




The facies proportion matrix is a tool wich enables the construction of 3D models for the distribution of reservo ir heterogeneities by using well and seismic information. This work aimed to build proportion matrixes of the deltaic facies of the Pojuca Formation in the Recôncavo Basin through different methodologies. The fIrst step before building the proportion matrixes was to perfom a core vs. log estimation based on two different nonparametric approaches, one supervised and another non-supervised. As a result of such estimation, four lithotypes (different facies grouped by similar porosity and permeability characteristics) were defIned. By its turn, the spatial distribution of these lithotypes determined the division of the studied stratigraphic section into three zones with distinctive lithological characteristics, one of them sand-rich and more important in relation to reservo ir aspects. The facies proportion matrixes built for these zones and for the studied stratigraphic section signifIcantly improved the understanding of the relations in horizontal and vertical continuities that exist among the lithotypes. Finally, the spatial distribution of the lithotypes (i) of the whole stratigraphic section and (ii) of the sand-rich zone were simulated through a truncated Gaussian algorithm. The generated images confIrm that the lithotype patterns of continuity depend on the type of proportion matrix wich is used, they also corroborate the importance in using proportion matrixes to model heterogeneous reservoirs.


reservatorios - reconcavo (ba) facies (geologia)

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