Construção da ação docente: aprendizagens de professoras leigas em classes multisseriadas na escola do campo




The investigation of different processes that involve the teaching formation has been object of studies in Brazil and abroad and point a to the necessity of that the teachers know and do its daily one. Its still considered important, that the studies fill existing gaps in different sectors of the magistery and contemplate the rural schools and far way from great centers as the rural schools and its teachers. This research argues the learning of teaching and formation of four teachers who had entered as lay people multisseries classrooms in the rural school and had as its professional development in multisseries classrooms. This work characterizes as being an description-analytical study of qualitative nature. It requires as main axles of the analysis the not explicit strategies of formation and the investigation teachers. It was used as support theoretical the studies of Lortie (1975), Huberman (2000), Zeichner and Liston (1993 and 1996), Shulman (2004), Bransford et al (2000), Mizukami et al (2003), Darlind-Hammond and Baratz-Snowden (2005), Hammerness, Darling- Hammond and Bransford, (2005), among others. The analyses of the teachers speaking had evidenced that the learnings of the teaching had given by means of the comment and of the creative imitation of the practical ones of its old teachers. They had pointed that the more the trought content approaches to the lived deeply context, more they have the facility of dealing with them. On the other hand, the more the content to be given moved away context lived deeply by the teachers, more difficulties they have in dealing with them. One still perceived that the new contents need some time to be assimilated and the teachers count on aid of the coleagues of the other schools to surpass such difficulties. One still perceived, that teachers who act in the rural schools in the city of Santarém, had on the basis of established the teaching. A in multisseries classrooms aspects little based theoretically. They seem to have slight knowledge of the general pedagogical knowledge and on it establish your teach. They dominate of precarious form beddings of specific knowledge the each teach and repeat what they had learned with its teachers (know, but do not know as they know). With the two weak axles, the base of knowledge for education is weak mechanics and stereotypicals (Shulman, 1986,1987). It was still proven that the limitation imposed for the absence of formal preparation for the exercise of magistery had shown imperative and the teachers had recognized this as one hindrance in its process of professional development


aprendizagem profissional da docência educação formação educacao rural rural school classe multisseriada learning of teaching multisseries classrooms escola do campo teachers formation professor leigo

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