Construção, calibração e análise de funcionamento de lisímetros de pesagem para determinação da evapotranspiração da cultura da lima ácida Tahiti (Citrus latifolia Tan.). / Construction, calibration and analysis of the operation of a weighing lysimeter to determine the evapotranspiration of "tahiti" lime (citrus latifolia tan.).




This study had as main objectives a) the construction, calibration and operation of load cell based weighing lysimeters to measure the water consumption of orchard trees in situ; b) the evapotranspiration measurement at the first stages after plantation of a "Tahiti" lime (Citrus latifolia Tan.) orchard; and c) the crop coefficient (Kc) determination for the initial development stages, in Piracicaba-SP. Four weighing>lysimeters were constructed and calibrated to determine the evapotranspiration, with the following dimensions: (1) 0.8 m in diameter and 0.6 m deep; (2) 1.6 m in diameter and 0.7 m deep; (3) 2.7 m in diameter and 0.8 m deep; and (4) 4 m in diameter and 1.3 m deep. The lime orchard was planted using grafts of "citromelo swingle", spaced at 7 x 4 m, and irrigated by a dripping irrigation system, using four emitters (4 liters per hour each). Reference evapotranspiration was estimated using the Penman-Monteith FAO-56 method. Based on the results, it was observed that the lysimeters constructed presented good performance, detecting mass variations along the day, although it was not advisable to use daily data when intermittent rain occurred. A high linearity of the equipment was observed, along with small hysteresis, a high coefficient of determination (0.99), enough sensibility to detect mass changes smaller than 0.04 mm, and accuracy values smaller than 0.1 mm. The lysimeter with higher percentage of area between internal and external walls (lysimeter 1) presented larger overestimates of the sum of the negative difference when compared to the evapotranspiration determined by the standard method occurred due to a higher oscillation provoked by wind. Kc values varied from 0,0131 to 0,049 for lysimeter 1 and 0,0215 to 0,0531 for lysimeter 2. Higher evapotranspiration values measured at lysimeter 1 in comparison to lysimeter 2 occurred due to the border effect. During the wet period, evapotranspiration values were larger at lysimeter 1 in comparison to lysimeter 2 due to soil evaporation. In general, the crop coefficient values calculated in this study can be applied for citrus irrigation management when dripping irrigation system is used.


consumo de água drip irrigation limão water use lemon irrigação por gotejamento

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