Constitutional and legislative foundations of the trade union of university teaching in Brasil / Fundamentos constitucionais e normativos da organização sindical do magistério superior no Brasil : ANDES-SN




been published as books, magazines, loose, and press materials available on the Internet, and documentary projects through, doctrines, laws, rules, resolutions, research online, decisions of the Superior Courts Brazilians, among others dealing on the subject, as well as participation in the author s most recent National Congress of ANDES-SN held in Salvador - BA. The end of the seventeenth century ended a historical period marked by legal uncertainty. The eighteenth century coincided with the Industrial Revolution, a movement that showed the need for social awareness on the rights of human beings as citizens and employees. After the 2nd World War, the feeling of freedom and democracy was further strengthened. In Brazil, with advent of the Federal Constitution of 1988, the company witnessed the democratization of the workers took advantage of this historic moment to organize and form unions for the purpose lidima to ensure the materialization of the rights constitutionally expressed, particularly in relation to social rights. Following the evolutionary pace of employment gains throughout the country, in 1981 was created the National Association of Teachers of Higher Education - National Union. This thesis presents a study on the constitutional foundations and regulatory union organization of university teaching in Brazil, as well as comment on the legitimacy of the ANDES-SN and its performance for the achievement of rights with the scope to ensure the exercise worthy of teaching higher. We conclude that the ANDES-SN developed work of fundamental importance for the country s democratization and the consolidation of Brazilian democracy, and defend in tough education and its agents as fundamental social right. Key words: Labor Organization. Superior Teaching. ANDES-SN.


direito constitucional direito sindical - dissertaÇÕes sindicatos - dissertaÇÕes magistÉrio - dissertaÇÕes

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