Consórcios intermunicipais: complemento para a municipalização da saúde no Brasil. / Intermunicipal consortia: complement to the municipalization of the health in Brazil.




This dissertation has as background the evolution of the sanitary reforms performed in Brazil since the seventies until nowadays, passing through the edition of the Organic Health Law in 1990 that created the Unique Health System (SUS). Its focus, however, is the ?health municipalization. Since the promulgation of the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Brazilians municipalities have a fundamental role in health care. This decentralization, called municipalization, granted more power to the municipalities, however, due to regional inequalities, the advances of the municipalization process did not correspond to the expected virtuous circle. In some regions, due to the scarcity of resources, the population continues without access to health services. Health consortia appeared as an alternative and constitute an institutional arrangement that use partnerships with municipalities to offer more specialized health services since, isolated, the municipalities do not have conditions to attend local demands. The dissertation also shows that the intermunicipal consortia have fragilities that impair their sustainability. From the study of these fragilities and the problems more frequently found in the consortia, it is intended to show the situations in which the partnerships are favorable and suggest other alternative for health regionalization as a complement to municipalization. Finally, it is discussed the national health card (SUS-Card), a new instrument to improve public health care services in Brazil that can have a positive impact in the formation and consolidation of consortia.


intermunicipal health consortia saúde-municipalização cartão sus health-regionalization saúde-descentralização health-decentralization saúde-regionalização consórcios intermunicipais de saúde health-municipalization sus-card economia

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