Conservatórios musicais de Londrina : um estudo em história da educação 1930-1965


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Londrina is a city with intense musical manifestations as a consequence of its festivals, orchestras and formation of internationally acknowledged musicians. In face of such a characteristic, this present work intends to present the educational background of the first conservatories of music in the city that formed the local musicians from 1930 through 1965 the year in which the Faculdade de Música Mãe de Deus was opened. The basic questions that guided the research were: what are the roles of these institutions and their legislations, and how were they started in Londrina? How were their teaching systems organized and how did they relate to the local arts manifestation? To answer these questions, the research used sources of documentation existent in the conservatories of music as well as information provided by the subjects involved in the process. The theoretical approach consisted of the New History, making use of the Theme Oral History methodology. This choice lied upon the objective to systematize the existent documentation which was sparse in several institutions and in possession of private owners and also upon the objective to create original sources through the collections of reports given by individuals. Such effort originated the constitution of a documental archive related to the history of musical education in Londrina. For the contextualization of the installation of conservatories of music in the city, an analysis of the structure of national conservatories of music and of the initial cultural local movement was made. The musical education, which was initially private, was formalized by the presence of the conservatories whose purpose was to form professional musicians and music teachers. Five conservatories of music, accredited by the State Government of Paraná, existed in 965, and one of them was later given the status of a Faculty of Music. These institutions followed the hegemonic trend of traditional teaching in the erudite musical formation all over the country.


educação musical conservatório musical - londrina - história música - estudo e ensino musical education conservatório musical history music study and teaching

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