Conseqüências, limites e potencialidades na implementação do Programa REUNI em IFES de MG: um estudo multicaso / Consequences, limitations and potentialities in implementing the Program REUNI in IFES of MG: a multicase study


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In order to create conditions to increase access and retention in higher education, to improve course quality and for better utilization of physical infrastructure and human resources existing in the Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES), the Federal Government, through Decree No. 6.096/2007, created the Program for Restructuring and Expansion of Federal Universities - REUNI. This program s goal is a gradual increase in the global average completion rate of undergraduate attendance by ninety percent and the ratio of undergraduate students per teacher in classroom courses to eighteen, at the end of five years from the start of each Federal Universitys plan. Given the new context, challenges and opportunities related to higher education; the existence of controversial scenarios unrelated to effective planning; the difficulties related to the financing of the operational structure in universities; the funding proposal contained in REUNI with completion scheduled for 2012; and maintaining the quality of education, a problem question was raised: what are the consequences, the limitations and potentialities of implementing the program in Federal Institutions of Higher Education? Thus, this study aims to evaluate the overall planning process and implementation of the Program REUNI in IFES of Minas Gerais. For this reason interviews were conducted. Respondents were Deans of academic areas, human resources and planning staff in Federal Universities, who also responded to a questionnaire, and the material collected was passed through a content analysis. The relevant REUNI legislation was also evaluated, as well as project applications by the universities involved. It was shown that the results of the planned expansion program analysis, with minimal time for planning, may be contrary to the objectives proposed by the REUNI and may have negative impacts on institutions in short and long terms, especially in a fall in education quality. It was found that the universities surveyed did not have an institutionalized planning process, so their projects for adherence to REUNI were designed to achieve the agreed targets, especially the quantitative ones. The exception was from a University where the expansion planning had been made prior to the program, which led to a broader project of accession, with actions connected to their goals leading to the achievement of more significant results in relation to the goals of the program. Despite the structure and apparatus involving the program, the discussion appears to be directed more to a commitment in expansion of enrolments in graduate courses than with the academic restructuring proposal. The continuity of the implementation process of the proposed actions can compromise the quality of education, since the priority at present is to achieve the quantitative targets of the program. Moreover, there has not been significant progress in the academic-curricular restructuring in the institutions, considering that most of these actions are ongoing and are projected to be finalized by the end of the program period, i.e. 2012.


evaluation administracao publica avaliação planejamento reuni reuni planning

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