Conselhos de política e participação democrática: análise dos setores saúde e assistência social em Ponta Grossa - Pr




Policy councils were thought by the 1998 Federal Constitution as instruments of democratic administration of social policies. However, they have faced limits and objections to their performance. The obstacles are related to the lack of tradition of participation in the Brazilian society, as well as the authoritarianism in political relations and the manipulation of the participation. This research analysed the quality of the civil society s representation in the city councils of public health and social care of Ponta Grossa PR, evaluating which is the worth of this experience in the public interest s construction and in the administration s democratization in these sectors. It was investigated, from the perspective of the public administrator and the counselors, the understanding of the conception of participation and the counselors function in the city administration, with the application of questionnaires, analysis of records and observation of meetings. The conclusions emphasize the importance of the city councils in the formation of political individuals.


public interest policy councils participation participação conselhos de política ciencias sociais aplicadas interesse público

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