Conselho de Classe: instância de avaliação coletiva numa perspectiva participativa / Class Council: Instance of Collective Assessment on a Participatory Perspective


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aims to investigate the Class Council, a collegiate body of an essentially pedagogical character, present in the school organization to act as a democratic collective assessment space. The general purpose of this study is to evaluate if the inclusion of parents in the composition of this body, has effectively made of it a democratic space for collective assessment by a participative way, and as to promote changes in pedagogical practices looking forward to promoting improvements in the quality of teaching as well as in the learning success of pupils. The specific objectives are centered on some questionings, as to whether, this collegiate body welcomes the reflection processes of making decisions, opinions and suggestions coming from students and parents, what indicates the decentralization of decision-making power, thus the progressive character of democratic management through participation. To verify if the pedagogical practices have been changed in order to cause improvements in the quality of teaching and academic success of students, equipping them for citizenship. To examine the concept assigned by the members of this School Board to the term "participation" to identify its alignment to the concept of democracy. The problem posed wonder if the participation of parents and students in the Class Council along with other members (managers and teachers) has contributed to the transformation of the management practices, and consequently to the educational actions, raising levels of participation in the decisions made, indicating that the students have improved their development of learning, of attitudes, of behavior - providing tools to the exercise of citizenship? The methodological choice fell on the phenomenological and qualitative approach, through the analysis of primary sources, consisting of documents of the school collection. Being this a study case related to one of the school collegiate - the Class Board and understood as a social phenomenon resulting from pedagogical practices, inserted into the social living human reality. This object of study will be interpreted as it really happens in a meaningful reality to explain the collective choices adopted, the relevance of such decisions and the results obtained. The final consideration shows the Class Council as an enabling and empowering space of the collective work in which the participation in the management assumes the role of reorganizer of the collective pedagogical work in a progressive perspective, through the analysis of learning outcomes presented in two-month base, grade or year, which reflect the current historical moment in which this school assessment is going on, an instrument that expresses a transitional stage, which oscillates between the qualifying and graduating practices , movement among other things affected by school culture and educational culture, legal norms and the existing public policies, especially the ones from the State Department of Education of São Paulo State.


conselho de classe gestão participativa class council collective assessment administration participative educacao avaliação coletiva

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