Conjugate points on a limiting extremal


Theorem 1, together with the author's extensions of the Sturmian Comparison Theorems, will suffice to establish the basic Theorem 27.3, p. 211 of Global Variational Analysis: Weierstrass Integrals on a Riemannian Manifold. Mathematical Notes, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 1976. Here and in the preceding reference there is given a Weierstrass Integral on a compact, connected, Riemannian manifold Mn, conditioned as in the above reference. Let γ be an arbitrary extremal of J joining a point P to a point Q, ≠ P on Mn. An extremal ζ of J joining A to B is termed nondegenerate if A and B are not conjugate on ζ. The index of ζ is by definition the “count” of conjugate points of A on ζ definitely preceding B.

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