Conhecimentos na análise de ambientes: a pedologia e o saber local em comunidade quilombola do norte de Minas Gerais / Knowledge in the environment analysis: the pedology and local knowledge in the quilombola community on northern Minas Gerais




Theren increasing incorporation and appropriation of the epistemologies towards the sustainability, valorization of the man-environment relationships and the perception of the need for maintaining the complexity of the productive systems in response to the environmental degradation process, aggravated by practices of the reductionist paradigms. Local knowledge of traditional populations on the environment where they live has usually been not considered in the research and development programs, although many studies recognize and confirm its importance for developing research programs suitable to the specificities of the local agroecosystems. The difficulty of the soil science community in considering the local knowledge of the family-based farmers, of the indigenous peoples, of the quilombolas (local traditional black communities) and others, lead to the need for incorporating other aspects and approaches in the agrosystem studies. The combination of natural and social sciences and the consolidation of the crossing fields knowledge such as the agroecology, etnoecology and etnopedology may contemplate a broader environmental comprehension under an integrated view, with participation of the local population. In this sense, this study was carried out to identify, and to value the traditional knowledge concerning both soil and environment, as well as interrelate it to the knowledge in the scientific context. So, the environments of the quilombola territory in the Brejo dos Crioulos were stratified on the basis of local peoples criteria and by the conventional pedological method, taking into account the soil and its interface with other environmental components. The characterization of the agroecosystems was associated to the interpretation and recognition of the logic of the traditional systems for use and management of the natural resources, as articulating the local knowledge with the information generated by the knowledge in the scientific context. The quilombolas identified four macroenvironments that were compatible with distinctions of the geoenvironments from which the stratification was based: on the geomorphology and geology, pedology and the influence of the water cycle in the territory, as follows: (i) brejo (wetland - Holocenic alluvia); (ii) vazante, moister place connected with a water course above wetland (colluvium- alluvial ramps - inferior third of hillsides); (iii) cultura vermelha (red land associated with colluvium ramps - medium and superior third of hillsides); (iv) carrasco (environment associated to clayish and sandy covers and thorny vegetation - landscape top). In addition, there is the furado complex occurring in dolinas (depression formed in calcareous areas karst) that are not supplied by the Arapuim river. In the furados, there are eutrophic soils resulting from the erosion process in the terrain, and they constitute areas receiving water and sediments, that are surrounded by an ample carrasco domain. During the rainy period, there occurs the accumulation and stagnation of water, therefore favouring the gleying and forming the environment locally recognized as brejo de furado. The typical toposequence formed by those enviroments is characterized by the following occurrence: Fluvic Inceptsols and Haplic Gleysols in the brejo; Haplic Cambisols in the vazante; Eutric Red Latosols in the cultura vermelha and Dystric Red Latosols in the carrasco. As the weathering process intensifies, the micas occurring in the brejo (area with good natural fertility and unaffected by salts) are turned into 2:1 clays until predominating the kaolinite in the Eutric Red Latosols (cultura vermelha). This bases removal process culminates with the characteristic dystrophy of the carrasco soils at the landscape top. It was verified that quilombolas recognize the best time, the environment (earth, moisture, microclimate), the species and variety, as well as combine activities and present the conjunct of practices that allow for the sustenance of their families. They take advantage of the natural fertility and the higher capacity that the soils in the brejo and vazante have to conserve the moisture in the regional aridity. In the cultura vermelha, they install their homes and backyards, establish the raising of small animals, amplify the cropping and integrate the productive systems, as linking the carrasco and their extractivism possibilities and cattle release with the alluvia, where most agriculture and water are found. The quilombolas dominate an own environmental stratification system, by basing on a logic that can be explained, interpreted and articulated to the knowledge generated in the scientific context. So, keys for the identification of the environments were constructed, based on the quilombolas criteria, as well as some models of the soil distribution in the landscape were elaborated and a semidetailed survey of the soils in the Brejo dos Crioulos territory was performed. The information obtained was based on the local knowledge, the deepening of the environmental characterization and the soil mapping rather contributed for better understanding of the quilombolas agricultural strategies. When interrelated, those results can subsidize the planning processes and the sustainable use of the lands in the quilombola territory.


etnopedologia ciencia do solo traditional community pedology pedologia conhecimento local local knowledge comunidade tradicional etnopedology

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