Conhecimento e poder na história do pensamento curricular brasileiro / Knowledge and power in the history of Brazilian thought curricular


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work analyses the connections between knowledge and power during the period between 1920 and 2010. It is a contribution for the understanding of Brazilian curricular studies. The form as power, produced by knowledge, restrains or expands social practices changes over historical contingencies in social, cultural, educational, economic and political contexts. The study uses bibliographical and documentary research and it is based in two theoretical perspectives of Curriculum History: the social history of Ivor Goodson and the social epistemology of Thomas Popkewitz. There are three epistemological orientations identified in the history of Brazilian curriculum though: social control (explicit and implicit), critical or dialectic social control and social regulation. Those different epistemological curricular distinctions produce social exclusions and inclusions which reflect a world view and a project of society. During the seventies, the curricular though presented the curriculum as social control including educational trends such as escolanovismo and tecnicismo. From the eighties until the middle of nineties, the curriculum was understood as a way of producing a social dialectic control resulting of critical educational trends. Concepts as critical and class consciousness, resistance, democratization of knowledge and popular education had mobilized the curricular thought discussing issues such as plan, selection and organization of school contents. However, since the second half of the ninety decade, studies had shown the limits of this theoretical approach for analyzing school processes in a society in continuing cultural, political and economic transformation. Since then it is possible to identify several hybrid and postcritical ideas in the Brazilian curricular thought. Those ideas are part of an epistemological change which is being explained from a point of view of curriculum and social regulation based on the revision of modern power notion. Power is now seen as a formative and constituent element of curriculum. It is also the criticism to the transcendental subject and the identity and difference discussion. Moreover, curriculum is not only an organization of contents, subjects, methods and goals for teaching. It is a group of practices which articulates the selection, organization and distribution of school knowledge with educational goals. And also with educational evaluation, curricular official programs and school practices. Concluding, curriculum is formed by different world conceptions that produce, choose and teach meanings about things and life.


curriculum knowledge power social control currículos conhecimento poder controle social

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