Conflict and interest in the thougt republican politician / Conflito e interesse no pensamento político republicano




This dissertations subject is to research, in the republican thought, how the cathegories conflict and interest have been considered. The work was focused on the following classical books: Discorsi,Oceana, The Social Contract, Rousseau, What is the Third State?,The Spirit of Laws, The Federalist Papers, On Revolution. Analysing them, it was verified that conflict and interest have had been together and in the politics with Machiavelli, an out of politics with Harrington, Rousseau, Sieyes and Montesquieu. With Hamilton, Madison and Jay, conflict and interest were divorced: interest stood in the politics and conflict was left out of it, being replaced by plurality, which become the central political cathegory. Hannah Arendt confirmed it, but her politics is without interests. Despite of this, the final result is conflict as a less relevant cathegory in republican political thought, and plurality as the most important one.


pensamento republicano conflito interest interesse thought republican conflict

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