Condições de vida e saude de gestantes adolescentes residentes no municipio de Campinas




The increasing incidence of pregnancy in adolescents and its biological, psychological and social repercussions represent an important topic for public health research. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to analyze the living conditions, the access to health services and the family support, of pregnant adolescents living in the city of Campinas, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. METHOD: A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out with adolescents under 20 years old, living in Campinas, who had delivered a newbom between April 1st and July 31st, 2000. In this period, 893 adolescentmotherswere identified in the newbom registry "Sinasc", 364 were randomly selected and 282 were interviewed. Trained interviewers using a pre-codified questionnaire interviewed the adolescents at home. RESULTS: 13.5% ofthe adolescents were under 15 years and 59.9% were native ftom Campinas. The head ofthe family had 6.4 years ofschooling. Average fami1y income was 4.7 minimal wages. The fathers ofthe newborns were about 22.5 years old and 74.3% were employed. The vast majority of the adolescents (91.1%) knew some birth control method nevertheless 49.6% had never used any. Pregnancy was felt negatively and worried a high percentage of adolescents and their families. Sadness was expressed by 48.9% of the adolescents fathers. On the other hand, 76.2% of husbands or boyftiends felt satisfied. Several aspects denote the burden of pregnancy. After becoming pregnant a significant percentage married, 48.5% ofthe adolescents under 18 years old and 55.8% ofthe older group. Among the ones who worked, 88.3% quitted or were dismissed. Out of51.8% that attended school 91.9% abandoned it. Some adolescents felt their social circle had diminished. Almost all (98.9%) had pre-natal check-ups. They attended mostly the National Health Service (SUS) (72.0%). The users ofthe public system were less ftequently assisted in the delivery by the same doctor that had accompanied the prenatal period. Educational orientation during pregnancy was more referred by private service or private health plan users. Cesarean was referred by 73.9% ofthe private service users and only in 24.4% oft hose assisted by "SUS". Low birth weight was observed in 10.3% and 12.1% newborns were premature. CONCLUSION: Pregnancy in adolescence is difticult and conflictive for many adolescents and their families. Although it imposes social educational and professional restrictions, the adolescents, in a general, feel supported and have a wide access to health services. Although the assistance was satisfactory, there were significant differences in the quality of the services offered by SUS and the private services and private plans. The results indicate a potential for improvement in the educational activities and in the assistance ofthe adolescent pregnant


gravidez na adolescencia

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