Condicionantes da viabilidade de produção do biodiesel a partir do dendê e do pinhão-manso no semi-árido brasileiro / Guidance to feasibility of biodiesel production after the palm and jatropha curcas in the brazilian semi-arid




There is a wide guidance to the worlds attention in the adoption of biofuels. High oil prices and global warming are among the main ones. Under this scenario, several countries have invested in research to find a source of clean energy produced in a sustainable context. Among them is biodiesel made from vegetable oils. In Brazil, after the institutionalization of the mixture in January 2008, the need to conduct studies in the selection of the best raw material for the maintenance of the Brazilian program was highlighted, in addition to establish new areas of production that meet both the insertion of small farmers and balanced production along with food. The yield per hectare is taken as relevant, so this study has taken in account the crops of palm and jatropha curcas as raw materials, considering the feasibility of producing biodiesel in Brazil. The Brazilian semi-arid was chosen because of the large area of productive, but inactive land and federal incentives that provide a competitive advantage in the Institutional Environment. The research methodology made use of all Phenomenology and Case Studies by applying the analysis in the Valley of San Francisco River. To conduct the research, a basis for primary and secondary data was used. The research environment made use of field environment and simulated study of data in spreadsheets. The results highlighted the factor productivity per planted area and oil content by weight of crop as two major constraints to the feasibility for biodiesel production, in addition to the integration of agricultural and industrial activities. The study ends, proving the feasibility of settling a Biodiesel SAG in the semiarid region in Brazil, using irrigated and dry areas.


feasibility analysis sistema produtivo de oleaginosas biodiesel biodiesel análise de viabilidade productive system for oil seeds management structure estrutura de governança

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