Concessão e ou terceirização de serviços em parques nacionais: incentivo ao aumento de receitas / Touristics services concession or outsourcing in brazilian national parks: incentive to increase revenue


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work studied the Brazilian National Parks PARNAS and this legislation, intended to discern the importance of giving and tourist services or outsourcing as a way to raise revenue for their maintenance and implementation. To support this, we sought the genesis of the creation of protected areas protected areas, their specific legislation and the current status of PARNAS in relation to existing infrastructure, revenue from the visitation and methodology applied by the Environmental Education same. To this end, we used a semi-structured research in the format of a questionnaire sent to heads of PARNAS by electronic means to obtain data, the questionnaire was divided on 5 main thematic blocks, namely: identification of PARNA / manager; Land Question; Staff and structure; Environmental education; Award / outsourcing, revenue generated / requested. The initiation of contacts took place in early may 2009, by sending an explanatory letter and request assistance in responding to the questionnaire. The research though it was social and environmental research - was registered in the System Authorization and Information on Biodiversity - SISBIO under the banner "Authorization for activities with a scientific purpose," with number 20533-1; the release of same occurred after 347 days after registration. Some heads after contact, understood the importance of this research and provided the data as soon as he had them, with the commitment that the release was sent out as soon as they were released. Along with the request for completing the questionnaire, was also requested to send the management plan of those who had. The expected results of this work translate into a better: a better investment in national parks by the Federal Government in order to make them accessible to society, a better understanding of the private sector for investments in national parks in obtaining concessions and or outsourcing tourist services, and better disclosure of the existence of society and infrastructure existing in the national park.


legislação planos de manejo meio ambiente unidade de conservação impacto ambiental recursos florestais e engenharia florestal legislation management plants environment conservation unit environmental impact

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