Concentrações plasmaticas de corticosterona, glicose, glicerol e triacilglicerois em resposta a infusão de agonistas beta-adrenergicos em ratos submetidos a estresse por choque nas patas




Stress hormones can cause alterations in metabolic functions at the adipose tissue and liver. Moreover, repeated footshock stress induce alterations on the sensitivity to beta-adrenergic agonists in the rat white adipocytes lipolytic response. Therefore, our objective was to determine in fed and conscious male rats submitted to three daily footshock stress sessions: 1) plasma corticosterone, glucose, glycerol and triacylglycerols levels; 2) plasma glucose, glycerol and triacylglycerols levels in response to beta-adrenergic agonists infusion. Our results have shown that plasma corticosterone leveI increased significantly after each stress session while triacylglycerols increased after the first session and glucose increased after the second and third sessions. Glycerol level did not show any alteration after stress. These results suggest that repeated footshock stress might induce metabolic changes, driven towards glucose instead of triacylglycerols release by hepatic tissue, probably by using the glycerol as one of the subtracts in both pathways. Stressed animaIs were more sensitive to noradrenaline plus prazosin and to isoproterenol infusion, maintaining elevated plasma glucose leveI and increasing the plasma glycerol and triacylglycerols levels. Probably, the higher sensitivity to isoproterenol and noradrenaline in stressed animaIs is related to the permissive influence of plasma corticosterone. Only BRL37344 increased the plasma glycerol leveI in stressed rats probably because beta3-adenoceptors seem not to be involved in the hepatic triacylglycerols synthesis, allowing the glycerol backlog in the plasma


stress (fisiologia) - testes metabolismo

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