ConcentraÃÃo e crescimento regional do emprego industrial no Brasil, no perÃodo 1994-2004: uma anÃlise a partir das economias de aglomeraÃÃo e da nova geografia econÃmica




This thesis has two issues. Former is studying concentration levels and patterns of transformation industry considering geographic spaces of federation states and Brazilian micro-regions, in polar years of 1994 and 2004. Second is about the identification of determinants economic growth of industrial employment for Brazilian states during 1994 to 2004. Employment data are taken from RAIS. As expected, micro-regions evidences show stronger industrial concentration compared to states. Equally, concentration hierarchy is the same obtained for states, being intensive capital segment in micro-regions the most concentrated and intensive natural resources the less concentrated segment. However, industrial desconcentration is stronger for intensive natural resources segment and, again, weaker in intensive capital. Intensive labor segment is presented as an intermediary case. Local clusters of employment participation are identified at Brazilian South and South-east regions, especially at SÃo Paulo micro-regions. And new poles of growth of the employment seem to appear in the Northeast. Results obtained for employment growth of transformation industry show positive correlation between market linkages and employment growth, according to Venables (1996). Dynamic externalities also have positive influence over local employment demand, although only diversity is identified as important factor for growth, according to Jacobs (1969) and Fingleton (2003). Otherwise, as suggested by any models, spillovers measure in industry â specialization â is not significant for industrial placement, while transport costs and wage have negative and positive statistic correlation, this order, with employment growth, as new Economical Geography. It is also confirmed that the medium size of firmsâ variable affects employment growth, where this one is higher at places with smaller firms, according to Jacobs (1969) and Porter (1990). Presented results in pooling sample for transformation industry that pecuniary externalities effects and the medium size of firmsâ variable seam to be robust to time and to choice of base period. It is also observed that variables importance for employment growth may be changed by analyzed segment


technological externalities externalidades tecnolÃgicas externalidades pecuniÃrias economia industrial concentration concentraÃÃo industrial pecuniary externalities

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