Conceitos e considerações práticas do sistema de geração de mapas de produtividade na cultura de grãos.






ABSTRACT: Precison Agriculture adoption is increasing on savannas region in the central plain areas in Brazil, principally because fertilizers and others pesticides were saved reducing the cost of grain production in the agricultural areas. But environmental pollution with these products area also become a problem. It was estimated that the are with variable rate tax of fertilizers in brazilian agricultural areas is about on million hectare, this is quarter of no till system broadcast area in the Savannas Region. But Precision Agriculture tools are unknown by a lot of farmers and technicians and one of these tools that make possible Precision Agriculture adoption is the yield map generation with monitors. This guideline aims farmers and agricultural technicians helping them with technical and practical information regarding sensors involved, yield map generation, calibration and practical implications about the yield map generation with monitors.


agricultura de precisão mapeamento rendimento colheita precision farming cartography yields harvesting yield monitoring harvest monitor

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