Conceitos-chave da Geografia em sala de aula: uma experiÃncia vivenciada em turmas 7Â sÃrie do Ensino Fundamental de escolas pÃblicas do Recife - PE




This study aims to register a experience lived jointly to classes of seventh series from fundamental education in public schools of Recife, State of Pernambuco. Considering the indicatives of the National Curricular Parameters â PCNâs, it tried to work the categories of geographic analysis amid the daily of the students. The spaces near the schools and in the city have been taken to do that, which served as mediators during the process. Initially, it has investigated the profile of understanding of the geographical concepts by the students; after this, activities of evaluation have been done to prove the comprehension and domain, verifying that many students did not reach this level or that they just have detained a superficial theoretical knowledge. A way to promote a activity that could demonstrate that these concepts are present in their daily and that use them constantly were another concern. Using the city, avenues, streets, and close areas of the schools as elements in a constant dialogue, it tried to aid the students to acquire a better comprehension of the space where they live, ampliflying their knowledge and giving them an opportunity to formulate their own concepts. At the end of the activity, the investigation of new conceptions of the geography âconcepts-keyâ assimilated by the students were brought to the discussion after discoveries and rediscoveries in the classes. It is possible to identify significative changes in the profile of the classes, so the classes that havenât detained the domain of the concepts, started to understand and to use them; the classes that that have detain a superficial knowledge (theoretical), started to understand some appliactions and the important presence of these concepts in their daily. This study seeks to be a instrumental indicative in the process of learning and teaching of geography, specially in classes of fundamental education, conecting pedagogic practices and academic theories


public school - recife/pe geography - learning escolas pÃblicas - recife/pe geografia - pedagogia geografia

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