Conceito de ética no livro: "A ética protestante e o espírito do capitalismo" de Max Weber




This work, which is a research about the meanings of the word ethic according to the interpretation of Max Weber, in his book A Ética Protestante e o Espírito do Capitalismo, demonstrates the great divergence of meanings in the usual as well as philosophical sense of ethic. It is an analysis of its uses, since its Greek origin until the current days, in order to prove there is not specific definition for it, unless all its multiplicity of meanings are taken into consideration. Initially, the focus is in the problematic of Webers book and its solutions, otherwise it could not be understood. However, before inquiring the main subject, there is a comparison between the terms ethics and moral, and the conclusion that Max Weber makes an evident and clear distinction between them. Then, bearing this in mind, the subject matter itself can be mentioned. The conclusion is that, according to Max Weber, ethic is a methodological rational regulation, a systematization of means in relation to ends, without any connection with goodness or badness, freedom or any other metaphysical entity. What must be considered is the influence of regulation in the formation of permanent and intrinsic characteristics of character, psychological disposition which determines the human act.


religião moral moral teologia ética religion ethic

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