Comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem em espaços colaborativos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The objective of this study was to investigate how social networks have been used in the creation of virtual learning communities and how they lend themselves to this role. With this focus, we set up an exploratory qualitative research, which it is described here, and that was developed in the environment provided by the interdisciplinary master program in Education, Art and Cultural History The study is focused on personal experiences of users from different areas, through an exploratory qualitative research, emerging issues in order to take us to greater awareness and understanding of the nature of the connection between education and virtuality in contemporary world, and interviews, looking for deeper reflection about the use of virtual communities in the learning process, always. confining him in a rich theoretical framework of leading thinkers such as Castells, Coll, Levy, McLuhan, Moran, Santaella and Siemens. This dissertation titled Virtual Learning Communities in Collaborative Spaces, was developed as part of the main research project developed by the group EduTech (Education, Technology and Hypermedia), entitled Education: Cyberspace and Interactivity.


educação e tecnologia ciberespaço cibercultura comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem education and technology cyberspace cyber culture virtual learning communities virtual learning environments educacao

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