Comunicação pediatra, paciente e acompanhante : uma análise comparativa entre níveis assistenciais




An effective communication has been considered of great importance for the adhesion to treatments, satisfaction with the service provided, and cost reduction in health care services. In Brazil, studies on this area are recent and scarce, principally in the pediatric context. Thus, the present investigation focused on the communication, during the consultation, between pediatrician-patient-companion triads at two levels of assistance: primary (health centre - CS) and tertiary (hospital). More specifically, it was sought to describe, analyze and compare: 1) verbal and non-verbal behaviors shown in the consultation; 2) expectations and perceptions of the consultation and communication; and 3) facilitative and limiting factors for communication during the consultation. The following took part in the research authorized by the ethics committee: a) 12 children aged between 7 and 11 years old (average = 8.92 years old, SD=1.51), all students of primary school and without serious illnesses; b) 12 companions (average age = 32.2, SD = 7.9; average number of children = 3.1, SD = 1.7; students of primary or high school), being nine mothers, a stepmother, a father and a brother; and c) 8 pediatricians (average age = 47.6 years old, SD = 4.5; average work experience = 23.1 years, SD = 4.5; average years of service within the institution = 11 years, SD = 9.5), in which four consulted two children and four consulted one patient. Twelve consultations were recorded by means of the application of an observation protocol as well as audio and video recordings. This data was categorized and an analysis by frequency of defined behavior was carried out. Semistructured interviews were also made with each member of the triad. Their statements were recorded in audio, transcribed and submitted to thematic content analysis. The results indicated that the consultation time varied between 5.9 and 25.8 minutes (average = 14.15, SD = 7.7; mean = 13.4). Two interactional analysis subsystems of communication were developed: finality of communicational contents and communication resources. In the first subsystem, the behaviors related to the encouragement to participation, encouragement to interaction and communicating information were more frequent at the CS than at the hospital. The difference between the levels of assistance was more accentuated in what concerns communicating information, and the interaction between the triads, as well as the participation of the child, tend to be higher in the consultations at the CS. In the second subsystem, the facilitative and limiting behaviors for communication were more frequent at the CS. The interviews pointed out that the patients at the CS remembered more the therapeutic prescriptions and stated having better understood the information given. The patients at the hospital remembered more the moment of the clinical exam and the majority stated not having understood the information prescribed. The companions of both institutions commented that they: understood the orientations; think that good communication on the part of doctors contributes towards consultation quality; and perceive they are better treated at the present institution. The pediatricians at the CS stated that they do more consultations with emphasis in health promotion and good service, whereas at the hospital they stated that the focus is more on the clinical exams. The professionals at both levels consider that facilitative/limiting factors for the consultation are related more to the behavior of the patients and companions.


communication primary assistance tertiary assistance comunicação assistência primária assistência terciária relação médico-paciente paciente pediátrico pediatric patient psicologia doctor-patient relationship

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