Comunicação e sociabilidade comunitária:no ritmo dos fotologs




This dissertation has as main goal the comprehension of contemporary sociability, how it presents itself and which are the influences of the communication technologies in the social environments through the Internet, especially in photologs. Starting from the concept of contemporary sociability, strutctured in networks, it is hightlighted by the tension between the high-speed pace of the technologies and the slow-motion futilities of the everyday life. The return of the communal ideal, the desire for a permanent link with the world and other individuals, the identification with different life styles, along with a sharing of emotions and intimacies and the valuing of individual personal stories, are the main characteristics of this communal sociability, which gains strength in a world where communication is increasingly mediated by computers.


community sociability comunicação de massa e tecnologia interação social comunidade fotologs realidade virtual sociologia sociabilidade photologs

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