Computação evolutiva empregada na reconstrução de arvores filogeneticas




This dissertation presents a study about one of the bioinformatic problems: the phylogenetic tree reconstruction. The solution space for this problem is calculated using a factorial formula. This is a combinatorial optimization problem. Evolutionary Computation, one of the component paradigms of computational intelligence, was proved to be a good tool to tackle this problem, due to its high potential to explore and exploit solution spaces. In order to allow the implementation of some methods of phylogenetic tree reconstruction, a computational tool named “Phylogenetic Tree Project”, was developed and has the following features: · has a friendly graphical user interface designed mainly to assist the user during the execution, even the ones that do not have enough background in computer sciences; · allows the adjustment of phylogenetic special purpose parameters, such as the method of search (Distance Matrix or Maximum Likelihood) and base substitution model (Jukes- Cantor, 1969; Felsenstein, 1981 or Kimura, 1980); · allows the adjustment of genetic algorithm special purpose parameters, such as the amount of individuals in the population and the mutation percentage; · works internally with graphs to represent the phylogenetic trees, and such that graph structure is able to preserve the hierarchical information (ancestors and descendants); · new special mutation operators were developed to operate over the graphs adjacency matrices. It is interesting to reinforce that the software called “Phylogenetic Tree Project” uses a method inspired by the natural evolution to search for a good explanation for the effects of natural evolution itself based on a phylogenetic tree. This toolbox is available at


algoritmos geneticos verossimilhança (estatistica) filogenia inteligencia artificial

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