Compromisso dos pesquisadores com comitês de ética em pesquisa nas dissertações e teses envolvendo seres humanos do programa de pós-graduação em ciências da saúde da universidade de Brasília no período agosto 1996 dezembro 2006




The ethical assessment of research protocols made by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), when there is an envolvement of human beings, is considered a tool of social control, capable of preventing abuse and assuring respect for participants dignity and integrity. The present work aims to evaluate ethical commitment among researchers (masters and doctorate) and their advisors in the Health Sciences Postgraduate Program of the Health Sciences Faculty at the University of Brasilia, regarding the projects for masters degree and doctorate, within the period between august 1996 and december 2006, using as a theoretical reference Resolution 196/96, which rules research involving human beings. The method utilized for that consisted of identification of papers which included human beings and either 1) had, annexed, an IRB approval report, or 2) mentioned such approval by an IRB, or 3) those which, although having neither of the conditions, presented the assessed research protocol. The existence of an Informed Consent (IC) was also identified. Results showed that 73.72% of masters dissertations and 80% of doctorate theses involving human beings were submitted to an IRB within the period. A higher number was observed in the year of 2001 for dissertations and 2000 for theses and, from these dates on, more papers were sent to IRB. These data suggest that, during the Postgraduate Program development, there was crescent awareness and ethical commitment among researchers (masters and doctorate) and advisors, showing the relevance given to the construction of a bioethical culture, necessary for adequate academic and professional formation of students.


ética em pesquisa comitês de ética em pesquisa bioética termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido ciencias da saude

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