Compromisso com o graduar-se, com a instituição e com o curso : estrutura fatorial e relação com a evasão / Goal, institutional and course commitment : factor structural and dropout relation


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Vincent Tinto, in his theoretical model of dropout from higher education, proposes that the student not integrated in the academic and social systems in college environment could have a level of goal and institutional commitments affected, which may lead to the dropout decision. The commitments represent an analyze that the students perform about the costs and benefits of enrollment in higher education and a specific institution, reflections of the person s experiences, disappointments and satisfactions in that collegiate environment. In Brazil there are few studies focused on the relation of these commitments with dropout. Aspects related with students decisions about the choice of the course are strongest prediction of higher education persistence - emerging the concept of a third commitment, the course commitment. As the literature shows difference in the conceptual definitions with the three commitments, in your operational and the different results about the relation with dropout, this research take on the follow objectives: identify, describe and analyze (1) the factor structural about the goal, institution and course commitments within Brazilian students, (2) the relation between the factor identified and the course dropout (3) and the level of predictions of the factors identified over dropout, controlled by variables gender, age and knowledge area of the students courses. The set of data analyzed in this research is from two databases: the first created by the results of scale academic and social integration applications, which contains questions that assessed the commitments, with 408 freshman in one of public university located in the countryside of São Paulo state, and the second database containing the information about the academic student conditions (dropout, graduated or active) seven years later. The Exploratory Factor Analysis suggested a new structure of commitment factors, which propose the composing of commitment with the goal and the institution commitment as a unique factor, that indicates a new structure of course commitment and that emerge an employability dimension. The analysis data of logistic regression indicates agreement with the previous researches about the relation and prediction of course commitment, goal and institution commitments and employability for the dropout behavior within Brazilian students, with the course commitment and employability significant relation with dropout phenomenon.


evasão universitaria educação superior graduação dropout higher education undergraduation

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