Comprometimento, valores e crenças em escolas na Bahia : um estudo de caso da cultura da organização escolar.




The present research is a case-study that intends to analyze the culture of school organization comparing a public and a private school. The study aims to identify, using indicators of organizational climate, teachers perception of factors related to school culture, classified in two groups: visibility zone and invisibility zone. The first category is composed of factors as, commitment to teaching, commitment to students learning, commitment to professional self-training ? conceptual elements that have to be written because they should express language and representations used in school documents.The second category, invisibility zone, is composed of invisible elements as non-verbal language, ceremonies, rites, manners, apparent behaviors, that are values and beliefs representative of daily practices at school. Therefore, the study examined as schools establish their social feature and are consolidated as a living and dynamic organization, whose internal disposition and functionning is a result of a struggle of forces between external influences and inter-relations among their actors, even being submitted to rules and external control of educational systems.The search for understanding school culture directed toward analysis of its symbols, objects, beliefs and values. The research outcomes allowed to find out that teachers of public and private schools share the same beliefs but are differentiated in values and factors related to commitment, mainly about poorer students learning. Another important outcome is the investment of teachers in their own education, considering that even when professional traig is granted by schools, public schools teachers showed lower rates than private schools teachers.The studies about culture, job satisfaction and others dimensions, concerning school organization features, are rare in Brazil. This study intends to contribute for widening knowledge in the field of educational management, to understand how cultural characteristics of teaching practices, one moment, conservative ones, the next, innovative ones, are present in schools that attend different realities, organized and managed in different ways, interacting and overlaping to several cultural elements that are their opposite, even though they get strength and self-identity, determining in a peculiar way their daily teaching practices, their school culture.


crenças administração da educação organizational climate símbolos escola pública private school comprometimento cultura escolar school culture valores clima organizacional public school commitment educacao escola particular educational management values, beliefs symbols

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