Comprometimento organizacional e comprometimento com a carreira de profissionais geradores de conhecimento das instituições de C&T da Aeronáutica Brasileira


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study describes the compromise of knowledge providing professionals of the Science and Technology (S &T) Institutions of the Brazilian Air Force. In an empirical-analytical approach, with a scope of 202 participants, this compromise is analyzed with regard to its focus (organization or career), referring to the constitutive dimensions of the compromise with the organization (affective, instrumental and normative), and also referring to the behavioral intentions of the compromise with the organization. For this purpose, a three-part questionnaire was used. The first part refers to the profile of the participants, the second part aims to evaluate the focus of the compromise, as proposed by Eckert (2006), and to identify the dimensions of the compromise with the organization, as proposed by Meyer, Allen and Smith (1993), and the third part seeks to measure the actions of the intentionality of the compromise with the organization, as proposed by Bastos (2003). It was not possible to define the intentionality of the compromise with the organization, due to the low liability level the tool (third part of the questionnaire) showed in this study. The perception with regard to the focus on compromise of the servants of the three careers (Military, S &T and High Level Teachers) is concentrated on the strong compromise with the organization and with their careers, characterizing the model Cosmopolite localist. With relation to the dimensions of the compromise with the organization, we found a balance between affective, instrumental and normative compromise. The results also reveal associations between the compromise with the organization and time on the job, and the compromise with the organization and posts occupied. Furthermore, they reveal associations between the category instrumental compromise with the organization and the variable gender.


comprometimento ciência e tecnologia geradores de conhecimento gestão pública carreiras compromise science and technology knowledge providers public management careers administracao de setores especificos

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