Compreensão leitora de alunos do terceiro ano do ensino médio da rede estadual




This thesis investigates the reading comprehension of 3 year in the middle school students in the network state of Ceará, specifically focusing on the classification of the understanding on the levels of understanding of reader Barret (1968), which lists five levels, the literal comprehension, reorganization, inferential, and critical appraisal. Our research, however, assessed only the inferential and critical levels. To meet the objectives of the proposed work, a literature search was performed on a theoretical framework that is part of Textual Linguistic, and seek support in cognitive aspects, particularly with regard to models of reading, supported by theory of schemes. The corpus analysis was composed of two questionnaires of comprehension, each with eight questions, answered by twenty-five informants from the same class of the 3rd year of high school. Assuming that there are different levels of understanding, such as the taxonomy of Barret. After analyzing the corpus, it was found that the informants understood the texts well, since it responded appropriately to most of the answers. Another conclusion was that all informants have achieved the levels of understanding inferential and critical, even if some answers could have been more complete. What is envisioned in the analysis of data was the presence, even incipient, some indication of the construction of inference, through the presence of information not present in the text, as well as evidence of critical thinking shown by a judge of truth or value. Although we have not found such evidence in all the answers, find them in some, but in all informants


níveis de compreensão leitora levels of reading comprehension leitura reading comprehension reading compreensão na leitura - quixeramobim(ce) compreensão leitora língua portuguesa - composição e exercícios inferência(lógica) estudantes do ensino médio - quixeramobim(ce) linguistica leitores - reação crítica - quixeramobim(ce)

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