Compositos hibridos de poli (tereftalato de etileno) (PET) / fibra de vidro (FV) / modificador de impacto (E-MA-GMA) / Hybrid composites of PET / modifier of impact (E-MA-GMA) fibre glass




An important application of poly(ethylene terephtalate) - PET - to be considered, and still not well explored, is its re-use in other different sectors, such as the obtaintion of PET composites reinforced with fibre glass (FG) and elastomer, for several applications in the engineering area. In this way, it is necessary a systematic study of several PET composites hybrids reinforced with fibre glass and impact elastomer to obtain a good balance between engineering properties such strength, rigidity ans impact resistance, two systems of reinforced were investigated using two types treatment of surface different (FG 952 and 983). Torque rheometry investigations during composite mixing indicated the reactivity between PET and elastomer. Mechanical tensile test on PET / fibre glass / elastomer composites hybrids indicated that the elastic modulus and tensile strength reduce monotonically as higher volume fractions of E-MA-GMA substitute PET in the composite matrix. Composites hybrids with 30 wt% of fibre glass (FG 952) and 20 wt% of elastomer indicates mechanical gains of the order of 300% in modulus e 900 % Izod impact. Tensile modulus is relatively independent of type of silane treatment applied to the glass fibers. Yield strength and Izod impact strength depend on the nature of silane treatment used


elastomeros fibras de vidro plastico reforçado com fibra fiber reinforced plastics elastomer compositos polimericos glass fibers polymeric composites

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