Composições pictóricas na obra de Eavan Boland: paisagens interiores / Pictorial compositions in Eavan Boland works: interior landscapes




While presenting the work of the Irish, contemporary writer Eavan Boland to the public of Portuguese readers, by means of a poetic selection that privileges visuality and ekphrasis, this thesis establishes an intermediatic reading (visual and literary arts) and verifies intermediality´s effects of meaning in the construction of poetic lyricism. While presupposing language´s inevitable incommunicability, this thesis bears witness to the intermediality present in the process of writing in the frontiers of the national and the cosmopolitan and, above all, of the private and public and vice-versa, as an artistic tool, characteristic of poetry´s plural identity, which is capable of reaching broader, less deficient levels of communicability. Ultimately, the selection of poems here presented heeds to the intimate trajectory of Eavan Boland´s artistic production, which reveals levels of linguistic articulation (being them visual, verbal or intermediatic) that suspend its incommunicability and, then, are able to reach deeper spheres of communicative success, as it brings up the lyric nature of writing. The movements that go from the public to the private spheres of subjectivity refer to the search for interiority, for the self, the self-portrait in poetry. Therefore, from the interpretative exercise of the poetic translations, as well as from the study of intermediality, ekphrasis is here read as a poetic tool in the work of Eavan Boland, metonimic of the poetic voice´s transit within the Irish tradition, from where the poet speaks, the Irish nation and the rupture with such tradition, in search of the encounter with the Female, the woman´s voice and, above all, the poetic voice as enunciator of the communicative flow.


ekphrase ekphrasis poesia irlandesa contemporânea intermedialidade eavan boland intermediality and subjectivity contemporary irish poetry eavan boland subjetividade

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