Composição e distribuição espacial e sazonal de anfíbios em unidade de conservação da Mata Atlântica, Alfredo Chaves, Espírito Santo / Composition and spatial distribution and seasonal anurans in protected area of the Atlantic Forest, Alfredo Chaves, Espirito Santo




This study aimed at determining the composition, distribution, seasonality and test the correlation of climatic variables on the vocalization activity of anurans in the RPPN (Private Reserve of Nature Patrimony) Oiutrem, fragment of Atlantic rainforest in the mountains of Alfredo Chaves, Espirito Santo State, Brazil. The materials were collected during the period from January 2008 to February 2009, monthly, using the methods of active search and traps and fall (Pitfalls traps). This study found 22 frog species that were divided into 8 families and 12 genera. The family Hylidae was the most representative, with 50% of the total, followed by family Brachycephalidae, with 18.18% of the total. This study also registres that 54.55% (n = 12) of the species are typical of this Atlantic rainforest and 31.81% (n = 7) are widely distributed. The Gaturama Dam, with 14 species was the environment with the greatest richness. whereas stations with the traps and fall showed the lowest richness, with 09 species. Haddadus binotatus, Ischnocnema guentheri, and Physalaemus cuvieri and Rhinella crucifer were species that showed high plasticity in the occupation of habitats. Most species occurred in the hot and humid period. The months of October (n = 12) and November (n = 14), 2008 and January (n = 12) and February (n = 12), 2009, obtained the highest concentrations of species found. There was no correlation of species richness with climatic variables during the study period. This lack of correlation may be an indication that these figures alone do not seem to have significant influence on species richness, although a wealth of species have been bigger during the hot and humid period of the study. These results shows that climatic variables explains very little about the seasonal occurrence of frogs, as well as an isolated factor may not be the answer, but the sum of these factors combined with the degree of preservation of the studied area.


mata atlântica anfíbios anuros distribuição espacial e sazonal alfredo chaves taxonomia dos grupos recentes atlantic forest anurans spatial distribution and seasonal alfredo chaves

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